The Keli Kalogrias is a unique attraction located beneath the village of Spilaio in Grevena, nestled within the Spilaio Gorge. This gorge is formed just beyond the iconic stone bridge of Portitsa by the Miliopotamos River. The cave, named after a nun who once lived there, captivates visitors with its conical shape and impressive length of approximately 70 meters, carved into the limestone of the gorge's western wall.
At its entrance, the cave resembles a rock overhang, with a massive boulder wedged at the base of its cavity, creating a natural "heart" formation. This spot offers a stunning view of the opposite wall of the gorge, with daylight beautifully illuminating two-thirds of the cave, making it an enchanting location for photos. Inside the cave, stalactites and stalagmites create mesmerizing natural decorations, further enhancing its allure.
Access to the Keli Kalogrias begins at the village of Spilaio, near the entrance to the Dormition of the Virgin Mary Monastery (the second parking lot on the left). The trail starts as easy and accessible but later requires specialized equipment to reach the cave. Along the route, you will encounter three vertical iron ladders and safety cables at exposed sections, ensuring secure passage while adding a sense of adventure to the journey.
Get ready for an unforgettable experience as you explore one of the most remarkable landscapes in the Grevena Geopark!