International Youth Day 2023: Green Skills for a Sustainable Future

  • Tue 08 Aug 2023
    • Sustainable travel

Every year August 12 is celebrated as International Youth Day, with the aim to celebrate the power and potential of young people around the world. This year's theme for International Youth Day is "Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World." This is a timely reminder that the world is facing a climate crisis, and that young people are at the forefront of the fight for a sustainable future.

As a leading adventure travel company, we believe that youth have a vital role to play in shaping a sustainable future, and we are committed to supporting them in their journey. Adventure travel is a powerful tool for learning about sustainability. When young people experience the natural world firsthand, they develop a deeper appreciation for its beauty and fragility. They also learn about the challenges facing the environment, and the importance of taking action to protect it.

In addition to our adventure travel programs, we also offer a number of initiatives specifically designed to support young people in developing green skills. For example, we partner with schools and youth organizations to offer educational and experiential learning opportunities. We believe that by supporting young people in developing green skills, we are investing in the future.

How to Celebrate International Youth Day 👇

Get involved in a sustainability-focused activity.

You could volunteer for an environmental organization, start a recycling program in your community, or simply make small changes to your own lifestyle, such as reducing your waste or using less energy.

Support a youth organization or cause that is working to promote sustainability.

There are many youth organizations and causes that are working to promote sustainability. You could support one of these organizations by donating your time, money, or skills.

Learn more about the “Leave No Trace” way of exploring nature.

Leave no trace is a way of exploring the natural world that minimizes our impact on the environment. When we leave no trace, we respect the land and wildlife, and we help to ensure that future generations can enjoy the same experiences.

Share your own story.

Have you ever gone on an adventure that taught you about the environment? If so, share your story with others! Your story can inspire others to get involved in sustainability and to explore the natural world.

Which of the above would you choose to celebrate World Youth Day?

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