Sahara- Tassili N'Ajjer Photography Trip, 7-16 December 2024

Sahara- Tassili N'Ajjer Photography Trip, 7-16 December 2024

Photography Workshop with Haris Kakarouchas - Meeting mother earth, Meeting Yourself

7-16 December 2024
10 days
Sahara- Tassili N'Ajjer Photography Trip, 7-16 December 2024
Price from €2720


Sahara is the largest desert on earth, having gone through various climatic phases, sometimes much drier and sometimes green and full of animals.

The most famous inhabitants of the desert are the Tuaregs, a proud nomadic people with amazing abilities to survive in harsh environmental conditions.

This project is developed mainly in the Tassili N'Ajjer National Park, with 4x4 cars and at the easternmost tip of Algeria up to the Tin Merzounga dunes on the border with Libya and closes with a visit to the hidden valley of Ihrir, an area isolated for centuries from the outside world.

Tassili N'Ajjer is a lunar landscape of 80,000 Covered by silent gorges and a spectacular backdrop of stone towers, all filled with caves and some 5,000 prehistoric troglodytic dwellings and more than 15,000 rock paintings and petroglyphs, up to 12,000 years old. It has been included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 1982.

Day 1
Flight Algiers - Djanet
Day 2
Weeping Cow, Idaren
Day 3
Day 4
Wan Allewa, Djanet
Day 5
Moul n'Aga
Day 6
Tin Tetak
Day 7
Tin Merzouga
Day 8
In Djerane
Day 9
Day 10
Flight to Algiers and Greece

Activities / Schedule

Flight Algiers - Djanet

Departure from Athens at 12:40 via Rome to Algiers, where we arrive at 16:55. After the necessary entry formalities, we will leave the airport for dinner and later return for our night flight to Djanet. The flight departs at 22:15 and arrives at 00:30 after midnight.

Djanet is a city of about 15,000 inhabitants founded in the Middle Ages. It is inhabited by Tuaregs and lately is the main tourist destination of the Algerian Sahara. Arriving we will go to the hotel Hotel Tenere Village or something similar and we will settle in our rooms for rest from the flights (Β)

Weeping Cow, Idaren

In the morning there will be an introduction of the photographic workshop. We will see landscape photography and portraiture, what will occupy us on this trip.

And in the specific program that follows, the photographic purpose of the trip is the one that will determine the pace we move, our stops and the time we spend at each point of interest.

Harry, already having experience from this place and its capabilities, directs the trip and sets the priorities of the team. Every day at the end of the day there will be a review and sharing of our photographic experiences.

At noon we begin our journey in the desert, with a visit to one of the most elaborate petroglyphs of the desert, the Weeping Cow, figures of crying cows, which reveals how painful human and animal life had become from the spread of the desert and the restriction of vegetation and water.

Then we depart for the secret valley of Idaren. It is a valley that has kept the habitation of the Sahara active for centuries, an amazing microcosm isolated from the inexorable conditions of the rest of the desert, as here is one of the few remaining parts of the desert with plenty of water.

Next to the gorge, all local residents gathered, built their homes here and brought their flocks, continuing to live without any contact with the changes and developments in the rest of the planet.

This valley was discovered by westerners recently. Camp outside the valley and overnight stay (B, L, D).


Explore the Idaren valley and interact with some of the valley's inhabitants, thus getting to know their way of life.

The exact program of exploration will be shaped on the spot, based on the available topics and the capabilities of the group. It definitely includes hiking, for which appropriate equipment is required (see relevant list).

Overnight stay at the same point (B, L, D).

Wan Allewa, Djanet

After breakfast we depart for our return to Djanet, taking time en route for a visit to the Wan Allewa Dunes.

Arriving at the hotel we will need time to select the photos that we will present in the evening photo meeting on site.

Moul n'Aga

Early in the morning we depart for the second leg of our trip to the Sahara, in the Tadrart region, in the SE corner of Algeria and reaching the red dunes of Tin Merzouga.

This area is considered one of the most impressive in the vast Sahara with amazing dune landscapes framed by rocky gorges and diverse sandstone rocks. 

We move with Land Cruiser or High Lux cars, often changing landscapes and reaching a stone's throw from the border with Libya, on a total route of about 600 km, half of which is in the desert.

First we follow an asphalt road which moves SE and goes to Niger and Libya. Then we leave the road and follow a "track", ie route in the desert where we move off-road on the traces of previous crossings in the beds of dried rivers or dunes.

Overnight stay in the area of Moul n' Aga (B, L, D).

Tin Tetak

We continue following various Oueds and making stops in cavernous cavities with petroglyphs and rock paintings. The open gorges we cross are framed by rocks, in many parts of which impressive formations and natural arches are created, with the most impressive of all the Cathedral.

Along the way we will make short or longer marches at every opportunity.

The car / kitchen follows preparing our lunch at selected points of the route (B, L, D)

Tin Merzouga

We leave Tadrart behind us arriving in the Tin Merzouga region, an area of flaming red dunes, perhaps the most impressive sand dunes of the entire Sahara. We dedicate the afternoon to our ascent to the large peaks of the dunes that reach a height of more than 100 meters, with the warm colors taking on an eerie intensity as the sunset approaches.

In the evening camp our tuareg guides will bake bread on the hot sand by lighting a fire on it, a traditional process of centuries, while desert tea will be offered without limit to those who wish (B, L, D).

In Djerane

Starting our return, we first pass by an impressive rock that looks like the prize of the football World Cup and is called the Coup d' Afrique. Then in the narrow gorge of Afazo, we will get lost in its holes and narrow passages that offer beautiful images.

Later, we take our way back following the oued In Djerane. At a selected point of the route we camp for our last night in the desert (B, L, D).



Our trip to the desert ends with our return to Djanet in the afternoon. Then we will go out for a walk in the city of Djanet and its market, where we will be able to find a relatively satisfactory variety of souvenirs and useful items for shopping.

Rest at the hotel until just before midnight, when we depart for the airport.

Flight to Algiers and Greece

Night flight to Algiers, departing at 01:25 and arriving in Algiers at 03:40. Transfer to M Suite Hotel 4* or similar for rest.

After breakfast we will spend time photographically reviewing the trip and commenting on the images we created.

After noon we go out for a walk in the city until the time of the return flight to Greece with ITA Airways via Rome with departure time 17:55 and arrival at Eleftherios Venizelos at 00:45 after midnight (B)

Important Info

In a glance

Algerian Dinar (exchange rate 1€ = 153 DZD)
-1 hour from Greece

Fixed Departures

  • 7-16 December 2024


  • 2.720 € / person (for 10-13 persons)

Note: Participation in the trip must be decided by the end of September, when is the deadline for confirmation and payment of air tickets.

The Photographer

Haris Kakarouhas was born in Athens. He studied cartography at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Visual impression and color theory at the University of Glasgow (M.Sc) and photography at the University of Derby (Ph.D) (title of the thesis 'Prosopography: Depicting the Self'). She studied various ways of therapy through art, as well as other practices of modern psychotherapy.

The axis that governs his work as an artist, curator or art teacher is the constant search for how it is possible to approach and visualize the "core" or "truth" of human existence with the use of visual means. As core it refers to what is found and manifests beyond the narcissistic dysfunctions of what is called "personality". Something that is the subject of modern spiritual psychology.   

His photographic work has been published in various magazines in Greece and abroad. Three of his photographic albums have been published, 'On the paths of time', Fotohoros publications, 'Natural Presence' published by Luminous Eye and 'Suspended time: A portrait of Cuba'. The latter has been issued in six countries in Europe. He has been awarded the European Publishers Award, the Milos Award for Art Book of the Year in Greece and the Schweppes Photographic Portrait Prize as runner-up.

He is the artistic director of the first Eco-Art Festival in Athens organized by the Ministry of Environment and the National Museum of Contemporary Art.

He has held numerous group and solo photographic exhibitions around the world. She delivers photographic experiential seminars under the general title 'Photography as a co-kinetic experience'. His photographic work can be found in museums and private collections.

On how to approach the photographic process

To look means to mentally perceive visual forms.

On the contrary, seeing means meeting entirely what I have in front of me. And in addition to visual perception, I have sensations and emotions. That is, I co-move.

I see, therefore, it is an acknowledgement. We recognize what we have within us, otherwise we would not see it. Our photographic work is nothing but the mirror of our inner world. As Paul Klee says, Art does not repeat what is visible, but makes visible what until now was not.

Thus, the process of photographing and viewing the photographs becomes an act of inner awareness. So the emphasis is on how we see the world and not so much on what we photograph. However, external elements sometimes help us explore and express photographically different qualities of ourselves.

In the workshop we will focus on the way we photograph, and the way we choose our photos. Through experiential and meditative exercises that encourage expression, sharpening sensitivity and experimentation and daily review of the work done during the day.

The workshop is not a cathedra teaching but a personal meeting. In a supportive and loving environment created by true sharing, acceptance and mutual respect among all.

It is aimed at those who want to get to know the mystery of the desert and at the same time are interested in creative photography as a means of expression, regardless of their previous experience. A common component is the willingness to participate and explore personally.

Samples of work of the workshops and testimonies of the participants.


For any clarifications about the workshop you can call the 6944836717 or send an email to 

Difficulty Level

  • 3/5

General Information


Local transfers are made with 4X4 Land Cruiser or Hi Lux cars with 3 or 4 people in each car. Local guides have great knowledge of desert and driving in such fields. During trekking, luggage and equipment will be transported by donkeys.


In Algiers accommodation takes place in a 4* hotel in double rooms with bathroom and breakfast.

In Djanet you can sleep in a simple hotel, in double rooms with bathroom and breakfast, depending on the available options.

In the desert, overnight stays take place in new unused tents, which will be provided to participants from Greece, in order to ensure an absolute sense of cleanliness. For the comfort of sleep, a new inflatable mattress and an inflatable pillow will also be provided. All this equipment (tent, mattress and pillow) will remain in the possession of each participant after the trip. Everyone will only need to have their own sleeping bag, 2–3 seasons.


A cook with his assistant accompanies us all days of touring the desert. It prepares all meals required by breakfast (coffee, tea, bread, butter, jam, cakes, etc.), cold lunch (vegetable salads, rice, eggs, cheese, fruits, etc.) and hot dinner (soups shorba, stews, couscous, as well as the famous taghella bread, cooked under the hot sand and ashes of the evening fire. Desert tea is offered at every meal and repeated in as much quantity as everyone wants.


The right months to travel to the Sahara are from October to April. During the day there are large temperature differences, with temperatures during the day depending on the month reaching 20 to 30o C, and at night from 5 to 10o while at altitudes it can drop to zero. In these months rains are extremely rare and only in the mountains


Exchange into local currency can be made at the airport or hotel. The euro, however, is accepted everywhere, but you will be given change in local currency

If you enter the country with more than €1,000, you will have to declare it to the customs office of entry


A visa is required to enter Algeria, a process undertaken by our office. However, it is necessary to complete the bureaucratic procedures one month before departure in order for the visa to be issued in time. This means that any last-minute participation is impossible.

Useful notes for photographers

In addition to photographic equipment, you will need to have a laptop or tablet with you to select your photos as well as a means of storage & data transfer.  

The wind can be dangerous for your equipment, since it can carry sand that will penetrate into every gap of the lenses and possibly stop working. Carry plastic bags with you to protect your equipment.

You need to have a sufficient number of batteries and power banks to run the machines in the desert. 

Batteries can also be charged from the car socket, but you should bring the appropriate fast-charging equipment with you.

Attention!!! Bulky photographic equipment (bulky lenses and large tripods) will likely be retained at customs at the airport of arrival and delivered to you on the day of departure. Drones and binoculars are banned in Algeria. Contact us for more information


No vaccines are required to visit the desert. There are no mosquitoes and dangerous animals.

Switch plans

The escort of our office or the local driver has the option to modify the program if weather or other local conditions (strikes, civil unrest, etc.) require it, with the main criterion of the smooth development of the program and the safety of the participants. Any costs arising from such changes shall be covered by the participants.


Tipping is an optional gesture that is usually omitted even by happy travelers. However, such a substantial reward both to the escort of the office, and (much more) to the people of the local office who will strive to have a good time, is not only a practical thank you, but also a substantial help to people with minimal income.

Insurance / insurance

The cost of the trip includes Basic travel insurance, which covers various contingencies such as health contingencies (eg injury on a course at an altitude of up to 3,000 m, which requires transportation and hospitalization), missed flight and other cases, even coverage of total cancellation of the trip for an amount up to 5,000 € including cancellation due to covid-19.

The coverage included is for ages up to 70 years old, while for ages 70 to 80 an additional amount is required, ask us for information.

In the following link you can see the benefits of the program and contact our travel consultant to answer your questions about Travel Insurance coverage by Trekking Hellas

Book your seat

To book your seat you must first read the terms of participation mentioned on our website and if you accept them, then fill in the Participation Form at the link

After completing the form and within 3 days you will have to send a deposit of 500 €. Another amount of €500 should be paid by September 30. The payment of the trip must be completed up to one month before departure.

The deposit and the payment should be sent to the account of ALPHA BANK with IBAN number: GR1001407960796002002013550, under the name OUTDOORS TRAINING IKE.

During the process of transferring or depositing money, write down in the field REASON your name and the name of the trip PHOTO IN THE SAHARA.


In case of cancellation, the following cancellation fees apply

  • Any cancellation made from the day of reservation until the end of September, will be charged with a cancellation fee of 100 € per person, for administrative fees.
  • Cancellations from October 1st onwards will incur a cancellation fee of 500 €
  • Cancellations less than 14 days before departure: 100% of the total amount will be charged.


  • Day backpack 20-30 liters
  • Sleeping bag for 0ο C
  • Hiking shoes or sneakers
  • Hiking socks
  • 2-3 Thin isothermal t-shirts
  • 2-3 cotton t-shirts
  • Fleece or merino blouse
  • Hiking pants
  • Τζάκετ soft shell
  • Sunglasses
  • Hat for the sun
  • Buff
  • Small microfiber towel
  • Wet cleaning wipes
  • Toilet paper and lighter (to burn after use)
  • Headlamp
  • Sunscreen
  • Moisturizer
  • Lip balm
  • Aspirin or paracetamol
  • Antidiarrheals
  • Eye drops
  • Travel bag type duffel bag 60-80 liters

Sahara- Tassili N'Ajjer Photography Trip, 7-16 December 2024

Photography Workshop with Haris Kakarouchas - Meeting mother earth, Meeting Yourself

Price from €2720


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