Road trip in Peru, 15 April - 1 May 2025

Road trip in Peru, 15 April - 1 May 2025

Trip to the most exciting country in South America!

15 April - 1 May 2025 (Easter)
17 days
Road trip in Peru, 15 April - 1 May 2025
Price from €5380


Peru is known for its amazing variety of landscapes (coastal ecosystems, desert, high mountains, jungles), beautiful historical cities and archaeological sites, monuments of ancient civilizations, but also for its extraordinary traditions of local culture, costumes, language and music.

With this journey we attempt a comprehensive acquaintance with the country, visiting its most important places, all interspersed with short or long routes that bring us to the back of any famous showcase.

We included therefore the Ballestas Islands, flying over the geoglyphic figures of Nasca, observing condors in the Colca Gorge, a day trip to Lake Titicaca, hiking exploration of the Rainbow Mountains, getting to know the archaeological sites of Cusco and the Sacred Valley, hike the last part of the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, climb the impressive Huayna Picchu peak and explore the Amazon jungle in Puerto Maldonado, but also some of its most important cities, Lima, Arequipa, Puno and Cuzco.

A trip that offers the fullest possible insight into this charismatic country, so that you return with a sense of completeness without leaving behind unfulfilled gaps

Day 1
Flight from Athens to Lima
Day 2
Tour in Lima, Paracas
Day 3
Ballestas islands, flight over Nazca
Day 4
Nazca – Arequipa
Day 5
Arequipa - Chivay
Day 6
Colca gorge
Day 7
Dau trip to Lake Titicaca
Day 8
Sillustani – Cusipata
Day 9
Rainbow Mountains - Cusco
Day 10
Tour in Cuzco
Day 11
Sacred Valley, Ollantaytambo
Day 12
Hiking at Inca Trail, Aguas Calientes
Day 13
Machu Picchu, Huayna Picchu, Cuzco
Day 14
Puerto Maldonado
Day 15
Lake Sandoval, Amazon jungle
Day 16
Flight from Lima to Amsterdam
Day 17
Flight to Athens

Activities / Schedule

Flight from Athens to Lima

Early morning departure with an Air France flight via Paris to Lima. Arrival in Lima at 15:50 in the afternoon. Transfer to our hotel in the Miraflores area for overnight stay at the Casa Andina Select Miraflores 4* hotel
Later we will go out for a hiking tour of the city's spectacular coastline overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

Tour in Lima, Paracas

Lima is located in the coastal strip of desert between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountain range. Founded in 1535, it is now a modern, bustling metropolis of eight million people. The colonial centre, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has many historic churches and buildings famous for their traditional intricate balconies, as well as excellent museums.

Our morning is dedicated to getting to know the main attractions of the colonial centre of the capital, and also the pre-Columbian Huaca Pucllana .

We then depart by bus for Parakas, a small seaside town filled with restaurants serving fresh seafood. Accommodation at Casa Andina Select Paracas 4* hotel

Day trip 270 km, 4 hours

Ballestas islands, flight over Nazca

A very full day starts early this morning with a two-hour cruise to the rocky Ballestas Islands. The islands, also known as the Peruvian Galapagos, have been eroded by the Pacific waves to form impressive arches and caves that shelter thousands of seabirds of 100 different species (cormorants, bobbins, terns, terns, pelicans, avocets, etc. etc.), sea lions, turtles, dolphins, sharks and whales, and we may also see penguins.

Returning from the islands, we depart immediately for Nazca, where at 3pm we will take a small plane flight over the famous figures.

The Nazca Lines are giant geoglyphs found in the Nazca Desert and were created by the Nazca culture between 300 BC and 700 AD. There are hundreds of individual figures, ranging in complexity from simple lines to stylized kolibri, spiders, monkeys, humans and lizards ranging in length from 15 to 300 m. Observing the lines from the ground, they cannot be recognized as coherent figures, which can only be done by flying over them. Since it was assumed that the people of Nasca could never see their works from such an angle, there has been much speculation about the abilities and motivations of their creators.

On the way back, we will visit the Chauchilla cemetery in the desert of Nazca, associated with the Zazca culture containing mummies from the period from 200 to 900 AD. The cemetery was used as the setting for the movie "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull".

Accommodation in Nasca at the Casa Andina Standard Nasca 3* Hotel

Day driving 270 km, 5 ½ hours

Nazca – Arequipa

A very early wake-up call and breakfast at 6. We then depart to cover the longest road trip of the entire journey, a 10 - 11 hour drive.

Along the way there will be necessary stops for rest and to observe various coastal landscapes.
Arriving in Arequipa we transfer to the Majestad Hotel Boutique Arequipa 3*, next to the main square of the city.

In the evening stroll to the main Plaza de Armas square, where locals enjoy walking, chatting, or dancing and having fun.
In the shops around the square we will have the opportunity to shop for souvenirs or have dinner.

Driving day? 570 km, 10-11 hours

Arequipa - Chivay

Arequipa is a very beautiful and lively city, with elaborate architecture, known as the white city because of the white volcanic sillar rock with which most of its buildings are built. It is located at the foot of the Misti volcano and has glamorous sights such as the Santa Catalina monastic complex, the ornate church in the Yanahuara neighborhood, the cathedral, the Casa del Moral which is one of the best examples of Andean Baroque civil architecture, etc.

The day is free for walks to get to know the city and its attractions.
In the afternoon we depart for Chivay, a small town at an altitude of 3,650 meters in the Peruvian Andes.

Accommodation at the Casa Andina Standard Colca 3* Hotel

Day driving 161 km, 3 hours

Colca Gorge

Very early in the morning we depart for the Colca Gorge, where condors frequent. The condor is the 2nd largest bird in the world, with a wingspan of up to 3.5 metres, and in the Cola Canyon we can observe it from very close distances sitting on a nearby rock or hovering above us.

We then depart for Puno, a town of 145,000 inhabitants at the western end of Lake Titicaca, and at an altitude of 3,860 m.

We stay at the Hotel Hacienda Plaza De Armas - Puno 3*, which is located in the heart of the town and market.

Driving day: 380 km, 7 hours

Day trip to Lake Titicaca

Depart early in the morning for a full-day excursion to Lake Titicaca, one of the highest and largest lakes in the world at 3,820 m.

We will first visit the famous Uros floating islands, which the lake's inhabitants created by weaving reeds and on which they built their houses. The islands no longer have the glamour of the past due to tourism, but they remain an important attraction in Titicaca.

The tour continues to Taquile Island, where we will have the opportunity to wander around following some of its trails with the lake as a backdrop. In the main village of the island we will visit the handicraft centre to admire the unique knitted and embroidered handicrafts produced by the islanders, both men and women, and perhaps shop for some, and we can also have lunch.

In the afternoon we return to Pune and visit the archaeological site of Sillustani next to the small lake Umayo. This is a cemetery of the pre-Inca period, featuring about 90 chullpas, above-ground tombs with a subversive architecture of inverted cones.

Accommodation in the same hotel.

Sillustani – Cusipata

Free morning in Puno for walks and shopping. We then depart to the west crossing the vast Andean Altiplanos, extensive highlands that are a continuation of the Titicaca Plateau, at an average altitude of 3,750m.

On our route we will move parallel to the Urubamba River, stopping at points of interest and archaeological sites.

We arrive at the village of Cusipata, where we will spend the night at the Cusipata River Lodge, next to the river.

Day driving 335 km, 7-8 hours

Rainbow Mountains - Cusco

We depart from the hotel very early in the morning with the final goal of reaching the famous Rainbow Mountains before the thousands of visitors who escape daily from Cusco start to arrive, creating an image of saturation.

We will thus have the opportunity to climb and enjoy the amazing spectacle in as much peace and quiet as possible and take our photos undisturbed.

And when the others start to arrive we leave for a circular walk in Red Valley, an amazing valley dominated by red rocks and with relatively few visitors.

The program also includes a climb to Hatun Peak (5,069 m)

Then we depart for Cuzco for an overnight stay at the Casa Andina Standard Cusco Plaza 3* hotel.

Day drive 132 km, 4 ½ hours
Ascent course, 3 ½ km, +385 m, 2 hours
March to Red Valley, 5 km, +160 m, -500 m, 3-4 hours

Tour of Cuzco

A day dedicated to getting to know the wonderful city of Cuzco and its nearby archaeological sites. We will start from the central cathedral with its colonial architecture and stunning paintings of the Cusqueña school.
We continue with the golden Qoricancha Palace and the Santo Domingo Monastery, a perfect example of the fusion of Inca culture and Christianity.

On our way out of town we will visit the Saqsaywoman Fortress, where you will be amazed at the giant rocks used in its construction, some of which weigh more than 300 tons!

Next is the underground Quenqo (meaning labyrinth) temple with its impressive rock paintings and syringes, dedicated to the worship of Mother Earth.
Then another fortress called Puka Pucara (Red Fortress) which was a gateway and military control gate to Cuzco.

Finally, we will visit the Tambomachay Temple (Temple of Water), dedicated to the water cult of fertility and longevity.

Sacred Valley, Ollantaytambo

After breakfast we leave Cuzco behind to explore the Sacred Valley of the Incas. We will first visit the colonial town of Chinchero and the Moray Agricultural Laboratory, a peculiar structure consisting of circular terraces that sink into a 150-meter deep crater, where each terrace maintained its own climatic conditions that made it suitable for different types of crops, with the deepest level used for ceremonies dedicated to the mother earth.

We continue with the Maras salt mine where, from Incas times to the present day, mineral salt has been collected from the mysterious natural source of salt water. From here we will take a 45 minute walk downhill to the Urubamba River and the town of the same name where we will stop for lunch.

Continuing on we arrive in Ollantaytambo, a beautiful small town built on the ancient Incan walls preserving their urban features, divided into blocks (canchas) which are kept almost intact. Each cancha has only one entrance (usually a huge stone gate) leading to a central courtyard and the houses are built around the courtyard with their outer walls giving the cancha a fortress structure. It is built at the foot of a hillside with some spectacular Incan ruins, the most important being the temple at the top, built with huge carved boulders, perfectly fitted together, the likes of which are not even found in Machu Picchu.

Accommodation at Intitambo Hotel 3* in rooms with breakfast

Day driving 92 km, 3 hours

Hiking on the Inca Trail, Aguas Calientes

Departure very early in the morning by train for the 104 km of the route. From here we start a beautiful walk on the last part of the famous Inca Trail, passing by a number of impressive archaeological sites and with magnificent views of the Urubamba River valley. Visit to the archaeological sites of Chachabamba (2270 m), Wiayhuayna (2650 m), Sun Gate Inti Punku.

Approaching Machu Picchu we get a first impressive view of it by passing by the Sun Gate.

We will spend some time outside the archaeological site and have the opportunity to hike up to the Inca Bridge on an impressive trail along the vertical cliffs of the canyon.

In the afternoon we descend to the village of Aquas Callientes for an overnight stay at the  RockRivers Hotel & Restaurant 3*

12 km, 6 hours

Machu Picchu, Huayna Picchu, Cuzco

Very early in the morning we climb back up to Machu Picchu, before the thousands of visitors that arrive daily from Cuzco, to visit the archaeological site with an English-speaking guide.

Since the accidental discovery of the site by Hiram Bingham in 1911, a whole series of theories have been developed about the historical significance of the site. Arguably, the excellent condition of the ruins is evident due to the fact that the site was abandoned before the arrival of the Spanish and was never looted. The ruins include stairs, terraces, temples, temples, palaces, towers, fountains and the famous sundial.

Completing the tour, we will climb to the steep peak of Huayna Picchu from a built path, with panoramic views of the archaeological site.
In the afternoon return to Cuzco for an overnight stay at the same hotel

Day's route 4 km, 2 hours

Puerto Maldonado

After our breakfast we transfer to the airport for our flight to Puerto Maldonado, in the Amazon jungle. After transferring to the visitor registration point, we will drop off our main luggage taking only the bare essentials with us into the jungle.

We then move by boat to the Amazonian tributary Madre De Dios, on the banks of which we can observe turtles, osprey and capybara. We disembark from the boat and continue on a 5 km trail through the jungle to Sandoval Lake and stay at the Sandoval Lake Lodge

After settling into our rooms and having lunch, we will go for exploring the lake by canoe to observe the wildlife that is hosted here, including giant otters, black caiman and various tropical birds.

After our evening meal we will go for a night exploration of the lake to see black alligators, nocturnal birds and other nocturnal species.

Lake Sandoval ,Amazon jungle

We continue exploring the lake and the jungle by walking in the unspoiled forest, looking for monkeys, tarantulas, mammals etc.

We can also enjoy the lake and sunset views from the balcony of the lodge or take a canoe on our own to search for hidden corners of the lake.

In the evening another night walk in the jungle to observe nocturnal mammals, reptiles, amphibians and strange insects.

Flight to Lima, Amsterdam

We have breakfast very early in the morning and then depart for our return to Puerto Maldonado and the airport for our flight to Lima.

The flight departs at 08:45 and arrives in Lima at 10:20.

Optional walk around Lima until our international return flight which departs at 17:30 with KLM to Amsterdam

Flight from Amsterdam to Athens

Arrival in Amsterdam at 12:50 and wait at the airport or optional walk around the city until our evening flight to Greece with departure time 20:55 and arrival in Athens at 01:10 after midnight.

Important Info

In a glance

1.285.216 (10 times the area of Greece)
32,16 million
New Sol (PEN), September 2024 exchange rate is 1€ = S/. 4,16
Global Time (UTC) minus 5 hours. Difference with Greece, minus 7 hours


  • Program that includes with the most important must do in Peru
  • Boat trip to the Ballestas Islands of the Pacific, the Galapagos of Peru
  • Flight in a small aircraft over the mysterious figures of Nazca
  • Observation of the condor in the Colca Gorge
  • Day trip to Lake Titicaca
    Hiking exploration of the Rainbow Mountains and Red Valley
  • Getting to know the archaeological treasures of Cuzco, the cultural capital of Peru
  • Hike on the last leg of the famous Inca Trail, which reaches Machu Picchu by passing through Sun Gate
  • Climb to the top of Huayna Picchu which hangs spectacularly over Machu Picchu
  • Exploring the Amazon jungle in the area of Puerto Maldonado


  • 5.370 € / person (for 14-15 persons)
  • 5.580 € / person (for 12-13 persons)


  • 15 April - 1 May 2025 (Easter)

General Information


Local transportation is by 19+1 seater sprinter bus. As luggage space is relatively limited, we recommend that your luggage is not a hard suitcase, but a duffel bag provided by our office.
Please note that the transfer of luggage from the bus to the rooms will be done individually by each person, and therefore we recommend that you limit yourself to only what is necessary. Please contact us for further details.


Accommodation is in the hotels mentioned in the detailed program or similar, in double rooms with bathroom and breakfast. Anyone wishing to stay in a single room should inform us in time.


Food is not included in the price, except for breakfasts in the hotels, and full board for two days in the Amazon. It can be done either in restaurants in the areas we visit, or in the restaurants of the hotels in those that have them.

Change of programme

Our office guide or the local guide have the discretion to modify the program if weather or other local conditions (strikes, political unrest, etc.) require it, with the main criterion being the smooth progress of the program and the safety of the participants. Any costs arising from such changes will be covered by the participants.


The local currency is the Peruvian New Sol (PEN). The exchange rate is 1€ = 4.16 PEN (September 2024 exchange rate). Hotels and lodges usually accept Visa and Mastecard credit cards with a commission fee, and the best currency is the dollar. However, bring new currencies with you as often currencies printed before 2005 are not accepted. Euros are accepted at hotel reception desks, banks and bureaux de change.


Tipping is an optional extra that is usually skipped even by happy travellers. However, such a meaningful reward to a consistent attendant who has gone above and beyond to provide the best possible service to the participants helps the attendant to enjoy his or her work and to maintain his or her cheerfulness and energy.
Similarly we should provide for a tip to the bus driver and local guide where used.


Peru is located in the Southern Hemisphere, just below the equatorial line and includes three zones, the coastal zone, the mountainous zone and the jungle.
The coastal zone is 2,500 km long with a maximum width of 200 km (in the north) and a minimum of 40 km (in the south). The highest concentration of population is in the south of this zone.
The mountainous zone consists of part of the largest mountain range in the world, the Cordillera de los Andes, with the highest peak reaching an altitude of 6,768 m.
The jungle extends to the northeast and is part of the world's largest jungle, the Amazon jungle, the least populated area of Peru.


Peru's climate is influenced by many different factors (jungle, Andes, Humboldt currents), presenting a huge diversity of microclimates that include 28 of the 32 climate types found worldwide.
The climate in the coastal zone from April to September (winter) is the coldest period. In the summer period, from December to March, it is hot and clear during the day, but the skies can be chilly at night. Rainfall is scarce and does not exceed 150 mm per year.
The Andean climate is characterised by two separate seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. The rainy season lasts from November to March, with frequent and intense rainfall, usually of short duration, mainly in the afternoons. Although it is summer, the temperature is not warm due to the altitude.
In the dry season there are clear skies with cool temperatures. Although none of the seasons of the year are prohibitive to visit Peru, however the best season is from May to September. For the trekking routes included in the itinerary the daytime temperature will range from 13o to 23o C, while in the evening we can expect temperatures to drop below zero.


The services sector provides more than 50% of the country's GDP and employs a similar proportion of the active population.
Industry, mining and construction provide 1/3 of the output and employ 15% of the active population
Agriculture and livestock farming provides less than 15% of GDP, but employs one third of the labour force.


In the Peruvian market you will find a wide variety of decorative and utilitarian objects, folk crafts, textiles, woolen goods, etc.
Note that it is strictly forbidden to export pre-Columbian objects, even if you can buy them in certain areas.
It is also not a good idea to take coca leaf with you, although it is not specifically prohibited, and within the country it is legally sold for making a drink or chewing.

Currency exchange

The main international currencies (euro, dollar, pound sterling) are accepted at all currency exchanges or banks. Dollars, however, give more flexibility in small towns or in emergency situations. To see the official exchange rates visit
Your travel companion can help you through this process.

Health / Safety / Insurance

Before you travel, contact the Travel Medicine Office of your country for guidance on the country of destination.
The program includes visits and hikes in areas with high altitudes up to 5,000 m, and therefore requires you to be properly prepared and follow the instructions of the guide. The altitude causes a feeling of weakness, headaches and even vomiting as a consequence of the low oxygen content of the air.
In the cities some caution is required in theft, money and other valuables are best kept in an inner purse.
The cost of the trip includes Basic travel insurance, which covers various unexpected situations such as health emergencies (e.g. injury on a course at an altitude of up to 3,000 m, which requires transportation and hospitalization), loss of a flight and other cases, even coverage for total cancellation of the trip for up to 5,000 € including cancellation due to covid-19
The coverage included is for ages up to 70 years, for ages 70 to 80 years an additional amount is required, please ask us for information. In the following link you can see the benefits of the program and contact our insurance advisor to solve your questions about the coverage Travel Insurance from Trekking Hellas
However, the included travel insurance does not cover incidents at altitudes above 3,000 meters, and for this reason those who are interested can extend coverage to cover possible accidents at altitudes up to 5,000 m, at an additional cost of 60 €. In the above link contact our insurance advisor to offer you the extension.


To book your seat, you must first read the booking conditions and if you accept them, then fill in the DECLARATION OF PARTICIPATION here.

After completing the Declaration of Participation and within 5 days you must send a deposit of 1,000 €. Another €1,000 must be sent by 10 February and payment for the trip must be completed by 15 March.

The deposit and payment should be sent to the bank account of ALPHA BANK with IBAN number: GR1001407960796002002013550, in the name of OUTDOORS TRAINING IKE.

When transferring or depositing money, please note in the reason field your name and the name of the trip PERU.


In case of cancellation of participation, the following cancellation fees apply:

  • Any cancellation made from the day of booking until January 5, will be charged 150 € per person for administration costs.
  • Any cancellation made between 5 January and 10 February will be charged a cancellation fee of 500 €
  • Any cancellation made between 11 February and 31 March will be charged 40% of the total value of the trip.
  • Any cancellation made after April 1 will be charged 100% of the total value of the trip.


Generally you will need comfortable clothes suitable for hiking, moderately warm clothes for the high altitudes and long sleeves for the jungle and the Inca Trail.

  • 30-40 litre daypack with waterproof cover
  • Travel bag (an 80 litre duffel bag will be provided)
  • Hiking shoes to cover the ankle
  • Low sports shoes
  • Isothermal T-shirts (thin, medium)
  • Fleece shirts in various thicknesses
  • Hiking trousers (thin, medium)
  • Fleece or soft shell jacket
  • Waterproof jacket and trousers with side zips
  • Sunscreen
  • Insect repellent
  • Sun hat
  • Baff
  • Personal hygiene items (toothbrush, tissues, wet wipes, etc.)
  • Sunglasses
  • Hiking poles (baton) necessary with a protective edge cap, as those without a protective edge are not allowed for the protection of the Inca
  • Trail
  • Personal first aid kit
  • Water canteen or thermos 1 liter
  • Swimsuit for swimming in hotel pools or hot springs
  • A few energy bars and/or dried fruit for the Rainbow Mountains & Inca
  • Trail walks

Personal pharmacy

  • Anti-staminate gel for insect bites
  • Pills for nausea
  • Aspirin & acetazolamide to support acclimatization to altitude

Road trip in Peru, 15 April - 1 May 2025

Trip to the most exciting country in South America!

Price from €5380


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