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Trekking Hellas Arcadia



(+30)27910 25978

(+30) 6974 459753




Trifonas Kolintzas

(+30)6974 459753

Μορφωνιός Tάσος

(+30) 6974 925007

George Boudrougas

(+30)6973 564284

Trekking Hellas Arcadia has been active in the field of alternative tourism since 2003 and has managed to introduce a large number of people to an activity unprecedented for the time it started, that of rafting. Rafting in our area is mainly a recreational activity, ideal for everyone, without requiring special physical condition or muscle strength, and has earned the interest and love of our visitors, who have turned Arcadia into their favorite destination!

Arcadia is located in the heart of Peloponnese and within easy reach of Athens (only 3 hours), as well as a stone's throw away from Kalamata airport which is connected to many international flights (only 1 hour). We offer a wide variety of activities such as hiking, archery, educational tours, team building games and scavenger hunts. Trekking Hellas Arcadia team is staffed by twenty experienced and certified outdoor activity guides that ensure your visit to Arcadia becomes an unforgettable experience, thanks to their love for what they do and respect for the environment! 

Our People

Χρήστος Μπαρούς Συνοδός Δραστηριοτήτωνsite Gallery


Christos Barous

Στεφάνου Γιάννης Συνοδός Δραστηριοτήτωνsite Gallery


Giannis Stefanou

Πάρης Καραγιάννης Συνοδός Δραστηριοτήτωνsite Gallery


Paris Karagiannis

Μαρία Παπαναγιώτου Συνοδός Δραστηριοτήτωνsite Gallery


Maria Papanagiotou

Ηλίας Μαυροεϊδάκος Συνοδός Δραστηριοτήτωνsite Gallery


Ilias Mavroidakos

Γιώργος Γεωργακόπουλος Συνοδός Δραστηριοτήτωνsite Gallery


George Georgakopoulos

Αλέξανδρος Κοντογιανόπουλος Συνοδός Δραστηριοτήτωνsite Gallery


Alexandros Kontogianopoulos

George Polymenakos Συνοδός Δραστηριοτήτωνsite Gallery


George Polymenakos

Γιώργος Μπαζιώτης Συνοδός Δραστηριοτήτων


George Mpaziotis

Κατερίνα Θανόγιαννη Customer Service Social Media Manager

Customer service - Social media manager

Katerina Thanogianni

Στράτος Αγιασώτης Συνοδός Δραστηριοτήτων


Stratos Agiasiotis

Τάσος Μορφωνιός Ιδιοκτήτης Trekking Hellas Arcadia

Owner of Trekking Hellas Arcadia

Tasos Morfonios

Αντώνης Βίντος Συνοδός Δραστηριοτήτων


Antonis Vintos

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